Thursday, January 15, 2009

Stepping Out Ode Du Shell...Beer anyone?

Okay so what did we learn?... well we learned that I indeed (on rare occasions) get my wishes.Thanks for the dance *take that good charlotte* hee hee...... oh and we learned for some we can be a bad influence or should I say 50th and a day beers(three of them in a short time) before class are a bad influence. Shame on you: cheeky monkey.
We learned how Old Man Syndrome can be a very addictive thing. I should start a religion about OMS. No, really and our deity can/could be Anna Nicole. Oh yeah. beware you sexy 'distinguish' men out there, you shall not be safe from thy inappropriateness.
We learned... oh yes, we learned slowly but surely I am aging faster than my body, and this is the reason why I have few peers. So, I figure by the time I am 40 I should be up with the 65-70 range.
...and last but certainly not least we learned oh how I shouldn't have mocked the flamenco shirt. *Sigh* It's still MIA and I was so cruel to it, sniff sniff, I never got to tell it how dashing and debonair it was. OLE!

Okay so hmmm what shall I end this with ...well this morning... yes, what song (because that is what I do) shall I end this post with. Well its got to be something to end a good day with (ooh hooh I am so counting that as a date--> don't like it, well lets go cry in the bathroom ..I am kidding. Well its last call (all politics aside, and even without a PhD I still won that one), I need a (and I am so counting this as a slow song) a good cuddle the paunchy (not fat... oh you know what I mean) teddy bear song. Good Night everybody.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Happy 50th Neoteny!!

It saddens me to know I can't make it for drinks tonight (classes bahh), but have a drink on me... well that and I am afraid of your third hand smoke ( ha ha ha I think you almost made me pee a little with that one). Just make sure we are all blessed with 50 more. Just promise me you will wear your flamenco shirt , so that I can be there in spirit.

P.S I am shocked there is actually work you are assigning in PoSc230, ha ha I didn't think you had it in you.

For everyone else in this world. I am pretty sure this is the layout so far:
-first year they want to see how much you can memorize
-second year is how well you work on your own/how much can you read quickly
- (once I get there) third and fourth year(s) is/are how much can you write and do research.

so here I am fucking lost in readings. I feel like I am in grad school already.... this is worth it, right? At least these classes are amusing:
-Film220:Indian Film
-Anth240:Archeology (ha ha all you trek fans look up kennewick man.. he was always my favourite anyway)
-SCMS225:Urban Life (I am doing my ethnography on the homeless of Vancouver using the Internet to have their voice heard... think of the zapatistas)
-PoSc230: Comparative Politics (oh and what shall I compare thee to)
These are easy classes and they are key classes in my major and minor but still soooo many words, and from this I should write and epic novel of all these things. I shall keep thee posted.

So, I suppose after complaining about the amount of reading, its still not enough punishment, and thus I am reading 'Between the Bridge and the River'-Craig Ferguson. I am just in its beginnings but so far has made me chuckle, sniffle, and almost shout out in fits of rage. After I finish it I will comment and hopefully convince a few others to take a gander.

Well I have classes starting at 8:30am so night night

and yes up beat something to fall asleep by... "take that Good Charlotte" oh wait *ahem* P.S either way, save a dance for me.

....and I made it to 100 posts (needless info )

Sunday, January 11, 2009

hey brother can ya spare some change for ephipanies?

I am having a rough time in Urban Life, not by work load per se but content. For those who know me, know in the past I have been homeless and we are reading an ethnography on this topic and so reading it has been bring up old experiences, thoughts etc. I have never truly cried over words on paper and I think I have found the exception to the rule. Curse you Doug for choosing this. Hopefully it will get better as time goes...

Movie Night:

-Dark Harbour
-Army of Darkness ( who doesn't love Bruce Campbell)

Monday, January 5, 2009

If you are reading this, cheers to having NO life!!

Thanks for taking the time to sit back and waste your perecious life away by reading this. I mean really, do you know how sad that is? What's sadder, the fact that I took/wasted time to write this or that you read it? Oh how we lead such exciting lives...

Life was blah today... well more so really considering all this lame ass whitness on the ground. MELT! DAMN YOU... MELT!

Friday, January 2, 2009

I adore you, I really do! I just prefer my women with a penis

Although Ms Spears has had her ups and downs (as we all do) This song is a good one, and its even better covered by All American Rejects.

Ruby help me, where are you? I need to know why I have such a bad case of 'Old Man' syndrome? Could be worse, I could like little boys... am I destined to be the next Anna Nicole? Ole! Really, these sleeping dogs won't lie...*sigh*

I watched 'Born Romantic' today. A movie that is as close as I get to a 'chick flick' and a bonus BBC. okay now I know what you are saying... 'fuck, taz it has Criag Ferguson in it, you're obsessed!' well maybe, I am always a sucker for a hot Scottish guy, but no really the way the story tied together was indeed cute. ____________________________________________________________

side note... mucho side note: the Internet... YouTube has some crazy fucked up shit and I am not sure if I just saw the greatest or most traumatizing thing in my life (I'll let you be the judge).. all i know is god i wish i was a gay dancer... let's do the fork in the garbage disposal. TING TING TING TI-TING TI-TING TING TING!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

3..2..1 ...Scream like a little girl

Hmmm the beginning of a new year and all I ( or in this case, Craig) can say is:
This scares me, it truly does, a new year full of all the atrocities of old and just for shits and giggles lets add on some new ones as well. Well don't fuck it up too much people and we can all hope to at least get some good out of it ( I suppose life is like faking like you are enjoying the sex).
Hmmm what else did we learn in the yester-year? Reflect, reflect.... I know, I learned ranting on this thing can be fun. Oh yeah imaging people actually giving a shit what I write on here. (I know you don't, but its always fun to pretend to be important in someway to someone)
Okay here is the sad part, I am actually missing school... god this fucking white hell... I live in BC fuck its supposed to be raining. Rain is good, rain is an amigo... but the snow shit what is this? I HATE THIS. Meh, semester starts up on Monday so I only need to be sinking in this oblivion for a few more days.
Okay enough complaining and such, on to that which sheds some light on my shadows:
Yes, people I love my job. Anthro is something I am very passionate about and to work for one, gaining all the good shit in the field=yeah me! All I can say is a big fuck you to the high school counselor who told me stick to the smaller goals, easier to obtain speech.
Time once again to leave with a song and an awesome way to ring in the new year: