Sunday, August 31, 2008
Presented in Aqua Scope
"I'm just british.. and well.... you're not"
Mr.Potter... I mean Mr. Todd, our newest celebrity!!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Crispin Glover
Inside the Fire Soundtrack
Anywho, I think the one reason this all is fitting so nicely is due to great music, and I think to get a better grasp of where the characters are coming from (aka sharing their feelings) I am putting up some tunes, oh that fit them .. well better than potato sacks.. but if they were, oh can they work them girl.
First one is Remus to Lana :
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Mommy, look what I can do!!
Monday, August 25, 2008
The Song of the Phoenix
I obtained enlightenment yesterday, but I think I want my money back. Sometimes there is bliss to be sought in ignorance. This world is such a confusing place, I am on the straight road to utter madness... and not of a joker variety. I mean totally gone batman!! Its almost puts (or has put me in tears) to see people lying, cheating, killing, etc all because they felt like it'. I feel this way and this is without being a believer of the angry jesus variety neither. Well I would like shoot everyone IN THE FACE who does not think/care about the choices they make and how it effects the greater whole. I realize that humans are imperfect, however on a daily basis, you are telling me that all the shit in this world that occurs is not because people are just too fucking lazy to take the road of a more moral path, and yes there are 14 shades of grey, but really people, fuck you see someone starving, FEED THEM, you see some crying, you see if they are alright... humbleness is a powerful thing, I think we should all drink a hefty glass of it!!. Okay, I feel like.... awwhh just listen to a good song, staring at an awesome actor.
Welcome to the Game:
Please, come on an adventure avec moi in one of my favorite movies 'Snow Cake', where the great Alan and Sigourney will indulge you in the rules of the game.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
My Waffle Iron of Justice
remember this:
Avada Kedavra
Friday, August 22, 2008
The Phantom Nerd
I have cursed myself on the black rose of this impetuous infatuation.
Again, to be made a knave among fools.
Always I have been betrayed by the stars,
Forever playing my role as fate's master puppet.
I yearn to scream these tears of fury and flame.
Alas, I ponder within my soul's abode.
Forced to have this love unrequited,
Punished to the depths in eternity's passage of time.
-Disturbed Blue Dragon 2008
I bow before you , a humble obsessed nerd of a imaginary beings. Does everything have to remind me of Severus? Is what I seek most , the dark hero? Of course what perfect way to describe the war that rages within me: The Phantom of the Opera. Please with a quill in hand and an open heart, you decide which is better (hmmmm Nightwish or Gerard Butler... tick tock, the clock is moving rapidly), either way, standing ovation for Webber! Okay, no more swooning like the innocent school girl that I am not.
The Islander
The Oneiric
Thursday, August 21, 2008
The Plucker
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Who shall I say is calling?
-Disturbed Blue Dragon 2008
Oceans away from the wakeful day-
~My fall will be for you
My love will be in you
If you be the one to cut me
I`ll bleed forever~(x2)
Scent of the sea before the waking of the world
Brings me to thee
Into the blue memory-
~My fall will be for you
My love will be in you
If you be the one to cut me
I will bleed forever~(x2)
Into the blue memory
A siren from the deep came to me
Sang my name my longing
Still I write my songs about that dream of mine
Worth everything I may ever be
The Child will be born again
That siren carried him to me
First of them true loves
Singing on the shoulders of an angel
Without care for love n` loss
~Bring me home or leave me be
My love in the dark heart of the night
I have lost the path before me
The one behind will lead me~(x2)
Take me
Cure me
Kill me
Bring me home
Every way
Every day
Just another loop in the hangman`s noose
Take me, cure me, kill me, bring me home
Every way, every day I keep on watching us sleep
Relive the old sin of Adam and Eve
Of you and me
Forgive the adoring beast
Redeem me into childhood
Show me myself without the shell
Like the advent of May
I`ll be there when you say
Time to never hold our love
~My fall will be for you
My love will be in you
You were the one to cut me
So I`ll bleed forever ~(x10 fades out)
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Letter #2
Mordrid returned empty handed and thus I am presuming you have been terribly busy with life and all that it entails. Remus would tell you to sit back with a steaming cup of hot cocoa and forget it all. I think I am for the fire whiskey myself, but Remus seems to find comfort in the more innocent fractions.
Therefore, since I last wrote, indeed Dumbledore called a staff meeting, and it was needless to say, interesting. The other professors are a very eccentric bunch, but then being from the muggle world (which I have not told them, but I am sure they will figure it out eventually), I would expect nothing less.
Because I gave you my schedule last letter, I finally had the chance to meet those I would be working with for the upcoming year.
Prof. Bathsheba Babbling teaches Ancient Runes, and yes, her name describes her perfectly. She seems like she would be a riot at parties, but I think I must be careful what I say around her as well.
A very stoic woman, Prof. Minerva McGonagall, teaches Transfiguration. She gives the impression of a very maternal grandmother. She is also head of the Gryffindor House... very stoic indeed.
Oh, what a delightful man the Charms professor can be. Prof. Filius Flitwick, do not let his size fool you. He is a wizard duelling champion. Reminds me of “the old back in ‘Nam” story kind of person. He is also head of Ravenclaw House, and although I made the decision of not belonging to any particular house, I think he is trying to convince me to pick otherwise.
Professor Pomona Sprout teaches herbology, and is head of Hufflepuff. True to the Hufflepuff spirit, seems like a very loving, stay-true-to-you, individual. I think by my assisting in her class will also help with potions as well.
Obviously, I told you about Remus, and I will be assisting him in his DADA class. I am wondering about his extra-curricular life though. He missed our meeting last week and his excuse was that he must be hanging out with me too much and that it was his time of month. He is such a kidder.
I leave the last class only because I think it will take some time to explain this man without screaming my head off. The Potions professor... one, Severus Snape. He is head of Slytherin House. I can tell him and I will have many arguments to come. It almost felt like he was attempting to burrow into my mind, I took great offense to this (seeing, as I did not give him permission to do so) for some reason he was angered by my offense, and stormed off. Remus told me not to take most of what Severus does personally, but pities me for it is going to be difficult. Oh goody. Me thinks I will attempt a good will offering tomorrow and see if I can start fresh with him. Something tells me, it is going to be a long year.
Next week I begin training with the professors to which I will be assisting, which also gives them a chance to relax as well for school is just around the corner. I hope I will be as much help as Dumbledore thinks I can be.
Speaking of Dumbledore, maybe through your letter you can send some delicious lemon drops (the man loves his sweets, and warm socks (don’t ask, I know I didn’t)
To make this easier, I am now posting all letters in "letters from hogwarts" blog (labelled on the right under: Legilimency and Occlumency
Monday, August 18, 2008
What can I do?
* For those who french is a little rusty.... "to sign (signing) petitions against capital punishment can save lives *
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Alan Rickman RecitesThe Long War for Peace Day
Less passionate the long war throws
We have forgot who fired the house
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Closet Land (The Movie)
Eloquently put, this movie is utter utter brilliance hands down.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
Part 6:
Part 7:
Part 8:
Part 9:
Thursday, August 14, 2008
What does it mean to be humane?
"An eye for an eye will just end up making the whole world blind" -Mahatma K. Gandhi
I wonder as one sits here reading what I am sure they believe are nothing more than my mundane words can feel this is an okay occurrence on this planet. We are apparently an evolved species, something more than animals. But we are nothing more... Can we not rise above all of this?
I cannot believe there are so many people out there who believe this is an acceptable why to deal with 'crimes' , The way I see it, the death penalty is no more humane than is rape, murder, etc. See how atrocious that sounds?!
'Yes, well he/she deserved it for the crimes they committed', tell me then if you or a loved one was sentenced to death (innocent or not) would you believe that capital punishment is/was the right solution?
The Death penalty may be curing a symptom , but not the disease!!
Speak out and actually stand up for what you believe, apathy is a dangerous thing!!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
An Evening of Bliss....
I am such a nerd, I want this blasted lame summer to be over, I am actually looking forward to taken my classes in the fall. These are the kind of classes that boost ones G.P.A... Anthro, Phil and certainly not least another Poli-Sci with Dave, ooohhh boy. But again TICK TOCK CLOCK I am waiting to find out if I am in Psych (waiting for 'Coach' that is to put in the final marks , so I can be registered in the 102 class)
Waiting, waiting, always waiting...
I am thinking (a shock , I know) ... no I know I AM NOT STUPID, and yet I get the feeling, that there are those around me who make themselves feel better by pointing out my mistakes. I would like to believe that if one IS TRULY INTELLIGENT would know that they are not great at everything and would see that EVERYONE has strengths and weaknesses... from that : here let me go first....
Social Sciences like Anth and Poli-Sci are something I truly enjoy and not so much with the Maths and other sciences... I am okay with this, and yet you don't see me pointing out and bragging... ITS CALLED BEING HUMBLE, its a great quality to have. Next, I find it odd if one claims to be a great writer and never shows their work or has other people basically write it for them, and in the end never showing their 'great' grade.... Hmmmm I don't think that makes a great writer. I can at least admit, my grammar is not the greatest and yet ( I can show these) the lowest I received on any term paper is a B+, Hmmm and yet you are better , I see. I am not seeking to belittle, I just want you to understand and not be so apathetic when you hurt those around you. If you still think I am a bitch from writing this, so be it, then I am a bitch, however a bitch who spoke her mind without the intent to hurt those in the process. (*sigh* yes I can see how that is 'bad' thing.)
Maybe we will see this played out more next semester when anth comes around and the competition is there, I am sure ( as we learned in psych), when one does bad, on come the excuses.... ( *insert why one did so bad here*) TICK TOCK CLOCK
"When life hands you lemons, make lemonade.
When life shits on you, make shit flavoured lemonade
and watch someone else drink it.
While trying not puke your face off."
-Dane Cook
Monday, August 11, 2008
I hate to bug you in the middle of dinner....
You took my heart, you took my soul... and for the longest time, all I thought, it was you who was eating my p..... pride.
I bet you say that to all the boys....
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Owl Post... Don't worry its not a howler
Rules of play:
-Characters can be either original or any fictional character.. and who knows maybe one day this will all be an epic novel.
-Must write at least twice a week to keep story line going (in our own blogs)
-If there is anything else you can think of, just add it...
I must say the most surprising thing happened last week. Dumbledore invited me to assist at Hogwarts , he believes that its not the students but the professors who need some help (imagine that). I am sure that I will not fit in like everything else in life but I am told Hogwarts has an excellent library, so I shall lock myself in there if life manages to happen.
Classes start in two weeks and in that time Dumbledore has requested I befriend as many of the professors as possible, seeing as I decided to not be sorted into any particular house ( I dislike having labels) , I think the sorting hat was very pleased with my decision as was the Headmaster, Dumbledore believes however that my choice may cause some animosity among students and staff a like, so I should try to make the friends I can before word gets out that I do not belong to any particular house.
I managed to make one friend ( I think ) so far. Remis Lupin, he is the Defense against the Dark Arts (DADA) professor.He is shy and reserved and maybe that is why most nights we just sit in front of the fire drinking hot cocoa. I know there is something more to Lupin, but I am not trying to push him, seeing as I would hate if someone did that to me.
I have yet to introduce myself to any of the others, I have been spending most of my time preparing to be a TA ( Here is how my schedule for the fall looks):
Mondays and Thursdays:Transfiguration(mornings)and Ancient Runes (afternoons)
Wednesdays and Fridays: DADA(mornings) and Potions (afternoons)
Tuesdays: Charms (morning) and Herbology (afternoon)
It looks like during these times I will assist the professors with preparing the classes each day and tutoring those who need a little extra help on the side. Maybe that is why I have been spending so much time in the library, I want to make sure I know this stuff inside and out.
Anyway I will let you know in a few days how things have been holding up. Dumbledore has asked for a staff meeting tomorrow, so that I may meet the rest of the professors here.
How are you doing? What have you been up to?
All the best,
P.S Or I guess that is Prof. Greenwood now :-)
P.S.S Please return your reply via my owl, Mordrid.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Inside the Fire
*(and yes everyone knows that HP and said Characters are owned by J.K Rowling and I am in NO way making money from this , so NO of the suing thing, please. All I ask is for input and critical criticisms
(The Pitch).... Inside the Fire:
-Severus Snape
-Remus Lupin
-Original Character (Lana Firefox)
- Small cameo's by various prof's and students of Hogwarts
Lana returns as a full fledged Auror after 8 years being away from Hogwarts. During her time away she had always been best friends with Remus and with Remus being the DADA (defense against the dark arts) professor he convinces her (with the help of Dumbledore) to come back to the elusive school to assist Lupin with his students.
Snape tries as he might to push Lana away because she looks exactly like Lily (Harry's Mother)did. However, at the same time he wants to live what he wanted to have with Lily through Lana. Will she be willing to play the part of someone who is dead?!
Remus hates the fact that HIS friend is warming up to Snape and this is where 'the wolf' in Remus comes out and we see the dark side emerge.
More than your standard love triangle, in the end it leaves: someone insane, someone murdered and someone who commits suicide.
Ooooooohhhh!! (all from a dream, I know)
I want you, I need you...but alas....
~Disturbed Blue Dragon-2008
Friday, August 1, 2008
A Black Rose for you...'check the yes or no box'
I do not want this to sound like one big rant, I am just feeling so alone, I am one of those fucked up weirdos who hates (for the most part) sex and would just rather cuddle, telling people that tends to scare them away ( if they haven't already , when I tell them I am a single mom).