Sunday, September 7, 2008

Ahead of the Game

Another letter will be up and running soon, if this was a race... "I am going to win". I suppose I must be the one that has eccentric doings in ones life.. there is one in every group.

Well as I head into the second week of the semester, I already have a warm fuzzy feeling, I feel like stella, for I definitely (in the school sense) got my groove back. I wish the school book store worked in the same way ( my English book still isn't in GRRRR!!)
(A little bit of draft...)

He never believed in love at first sight and yet, every time she walked in the room, he could not help but feel a sense of overbearing delight. These feelings confused him, he had always taken pride in the fact he could control himself in any situation. It almost angered him that SHE of all people/things would be the exception. He barely knew her. He knew that she had taken over some of the sixth and seventh year classes in Divination. Such a waste, for there was no such thing. Something for romantics and those who wished to be controlled.

Dumbledore had hired her on to assist Sybil (but Sybil needed more help than she could get) with the more advanced Divination classes, but Snape knew that she was also there to keep an eye on Lupin.

Damn Wolf!

Why did she have to be friends with him? Everyone he had ever been remotely interested in always had ties to a bloody Gryffindor. He... wait... he ... interested? No, he did not even know anything about her. Her name ... Lana Greenwood and she is ... oh god, here she comes, look away.

“Severus Snape, potions professor, right?”
“Wow, your power of perception amazes me”
“Good to know, we are a morning person. Well your cheerfulness amazes me, I hate to disturb your ray of sunshine, but I am wondering if I could borrow some black bamboo roots?”
“Bamboo? I am usually not one to just give out my ingredients. What would you be using it for?”
“Well I am glad you understand the concept of someone’s own business. If I knew that I would be questioned on it, forget it. I will just get some the next time I am going to Hogsmeade. Good day to you, Professor.”

Well that went well... I wonder what she would need Bamboo for... healing property... she seemed, well touchy to say the least. She also was squinting... headaches perhaps. This would require some more inquiring.

Ahhh Severus, I am glad I found you. May you humour an old man?”

“Well Headmaster, seeing as I am known for my vast amounts of humour, I shall do my best.”

“Excellent, well I noticed that you were conversing with Lana and I am worried about her. I know that she seems to take great care to control her thoughts and feelings and yet, this has not be the case as of late, and seeing as Remis is disposed during this week, I thought that Lana would need a friend of sorts. Someone she can converse with, it is a good idea to have more than one friend”

Dumbledore always had a way of pushing people’s buttons, without patronizing them, too much. Severus still was contemplating the double meaning that was possibly meant. Thus, the potions master raised his eyebrow and turned away in a bellow of black and fabric out of the room towards the dungeons, a place of solitude.

Why did that man have to question everything? Now that she had been teaching at Hogwarts for almost two months now, one would think they (being colleagues) could at least have civil conversations, ones that did not end with one of them leaving the room in a huff. She was aware that Remus and he went to school together and she was hoping that she could become mutual friends with Snape, but Remis had explained that their friendship was somewhat more of a difficult one. Lana assumed this meant that Severus was the one whom made Lupin’s Wolfsbane Potion.

Therefore, she had been hoping that she could borrow some bamboo roots in order to make a talisman for Remis, to help with his lycanthropy. She also found that bamboo roots assist with headaches and she had been suffering of late with them, but she was not about to any weaknesses to Snape, at least not after the dream she had had last night.

This was the first time since teaching at Hogwarts that she did not had Remis to talk to, it was a little difficult to not have someone else to converse with, but how much trouble can one get into in a week.

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