Monday, September 29, 2008

"On and On, I play this game..."

I hope Tarl doesn't mind if I put this up here... I bow down to the awesomeness of his words. and lucky me, he has a video on the tube... (but Psstt, the song is better on the album--> insert plug, everyone needs to buy it, here<---

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Language gits sum culture yo!

Brilliant.... and I shall truly enunciate FUCKING brilliant!!

Standing My Ground

WHO shall take the path of apathy?
It is always easier to shuffle along that one.
Do you remember why we are here?

WHAT belongs in this old heart?
Here among the damned and forgetful,
The rains have come, the warmth of remembrance.

WHERE shall I bury these bones when I die?
I hear the ancient drums of beckoning.
There is no more laughter from the children of the earth.

will Gaea avenge from all that has been taken?
I wrap myself in the mist and the pain.
This 'God of War' is justified in eternal bloodshed.

WHY have my tears become the stones of yesterday?
I have sacrificed my dreams for the numbing of time.
Come Puck, let us retire to the summers of youth and make love among the wine.

DisturbedBlueDragon 2008

Monday, September 22, 2008

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Je ne sais quoi...........

I decided to gaze upon a cineamatic adventure- 'Perfume'. Hmmmm , well it was worth it but again the obvious prevails and I am sure the book would have been better. Oh well great acting and Joaquin I think is out of a job, standing 'O' for the crying capabilities of Mr. R.
Speaking of, I want this.....................

*rolls eyes*, ONLY $700... if I so had money to burn.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

We are all nerds, but this is better than the 'WoW'

Oh yeah I said it, that is right... my video's hold the key to awesomeness. Bring praise from the great voice.... oh great 'HIM' ... me wonders if I should start a c... no.. a religion of Rickman-iacs... Hmmmmm doesn't anyone remember that site of 'why Alan Rickman is better than 'god'??!! Fucking brilliant.

Let us all tip our hats to the man with the acting greatness.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Better than the grocery list.. but I could settle...

One never tires of the voice of perfection... or 'god' (all hail the metatron ... bring on the flame retardent chemicals ;-) ) which ever you prefer.... and heck i just like playing movie maker.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Something happened on the way to... sanity

well one month count down to the travelling circus they call politics in this country. Of course ours is not the Oscar wining Broadway music that is America, but still full of "Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves". So let us look at today's line up.... (Where's Don Cherry when you need him)

This give you the starting line and the bench warmers... check it out.

Don't just sit on the sidelines this year .... voting is not that hard... Come on everyone lets not elect another "W" in Parliament.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

She was a day tripper, a one way ticket, yeah

Your result for The Perception Personality Image Test...

NBPC - The Daydreamer

You perceive the world with particular attention to nature. You focus on the hidden treasures of life (the background) and how that fits into the larger picture. You are also particularly drawn towards the colors around you. Because of the value you place on nature, you tend to find comfort in more subdued settings and find energy in solitude. You like to ponder ideas and imagine the many possibilities of your life without worrying about the details or specifics. You are in tune with all that is around you and understand your life as part of a larger whole. You are a down-to-earth person who enjoys going with the flow.

Take The Perception Personality Image Test at HelloQuizzy

Monday, September 8, 2008

My Mantra

"I am the Dragon. And you call me insane. You are privy to a great becoming, but you recognize nothing. To me, you are a slug in the sun. You are an ant in the afterbirth. It is your nature to do one thing correctly. Before me, you rightly tremble. But, fear is not what you owe me. You owe me awe. "

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Ahead of the Game

Another letter will be up and running soon, if this was a race... "I am going to win". I suppose I must be the one that has eccentric doings in ones life.. there is one in every group.

Well as I head into the second week of the semester, I already have a warm fuzzy feeling, I feel like stella, for I definitely (in the school sense) got my groove back. I wish the school book store worked in the same way ( my English book still isn't in GRRRR!!)
(A little bit of draft...)

He never believed in love at first sight and yet, every time she walked in the room, he could not help but feel a sense of overbearing delight. These feelings confused him, he had always taken pride in the fact he could control himself in any situation. It almost angered him that SHE of all people/things would be the exception. He barely knew her. He knew that she had taken over some of the sixth and seventh year classes in Divination. Such a waste, for there was no such thing. Something for romantics and those who wished to be controlled.

Dumbledore had hired her on to assist Sybil (but Sybil needed more help than she could get) with the more advanced Divination classes, but Snape knew that she was also there to keep an eye on Lupin.

Damn Wolf!

Why did she have to be friends with him? Everyone he had ever been remotely interested in always had ties to a bloody Gryffindor. He... wait... he ... interested? No, he did not even know anything about her. Her name ... Lana Greenwood and she is ... oh god, here she comes, look away.

“Severus Snape, potions professor, right?”
“Wow, your power of perception amazes me”
“Good to know, we are a morning person. Well your cheerfulness amazes me, I hate to disturb your ray of sunshine, but I am wondering if I could borrow some black bamboo roots?”
“Bamboo? I am usually not one to just give out my ingredients. What would you be using it for?”
“Well I am glad you understand the concept of someone’s own business. If I knew that I would be questioned on it, forget it. I will just get some the next time I am going to Hogsmeade. Good day to you, Professor.”

Well that went well... I wonder what she would need Bamboo for... healing property... she seemed, well touchy to say the least. She also was squinting... headaches perhaps. This would require some more inquiring.

Ahhh Severus, I am glad I found you. May you humour an old man?”

“Well Headmaster, seeing as I am known for my vast amounts of humour, I shall do my best.”

“Excellent, well I noticed that you were conversing with Lana and I am worried about her. I know that she seems to take great care to control her thoughts and feelings and yet, this has not be the case as of late, and seeing as Remis is disposed during this week, I thought that Lana would need a friend of sorts. Someone she can converse with, it is a good idea to have more than one friend”

Dumbledore always had a way of pushing people’s buttons, without patronizing them, too much. Severus still was contemplating the double meaning that was possibly meant. Thus, the potions master raised his eyebrow and turned away in a bellow of black and fabric out of the room towards the dungeons, a place of solitude.

Why did that man have to question everything? Now that she had been teaching at Hogwarts for almost two months now, one would think they (being colleagues) could at least have civil conversations, ones that did not end with one of them leaving the room in a huff. She was aware that Remus and he went to school together and she was hoping that she could become mutual friends with Snape, but Remis had explained that their friendship was somewhat more of a difficult one. Lana assumed this meant that Severus was the one whom made Lupin’s Wolfsbane Potion.

Therefore, she had been hoping that she could borrow some bamboo roots in order to make a talisman for Remis, to help with his lycanthropy. She also found that bamboo roots assist with headaches and she had been suffering of late with them, but she was not about to any weaknesses to Snape, at least not after the dream she had had last night.

This was the first time since teaching at Hogwarts that she did not had Remis to talk to, it was a little difficult to not have someone else to converse with, but how much trouble can one get into in a week.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Nobody's Home

Why would there be anything left? Its all I know anyway.... *sigh*

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Just another day for you and me in paradise

I am totally in a Phil Collins kick, and what better way then listen to his tunes that I truely believe are the messages/questions I have today.

I know this isn't the orginal, but we all know its great to see phil chillin' with his hommies...

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

If only I could turn back time...

Everyone feels this way sometimes....

No one suspects ... the Spanish Iquisition

"It is always by way of pain one arrives at pleasure."
-Marquis De Sade

Well yesterday evening it was back to that which is familiar. There is no such thing as instant gratification when one attends post-secondary. But I think this semester I will be plesantly happy with the outcome of classes and professors.

Last night, I had to succumb to an English class finally, and who happens it be... well a Madam Hooch look-alike. (Isn't that weird--> insert fake danish accent here) But I like her already. Her learning ideas for a first level class is not so much worrying about grammar and the mechanics of the writing (which are needed), but one must find their voice and learn how to control ideas and in doing so the rest will come later... it echoes that of the art history class I took last semester... ha ha ha Steven, no Nazi prof pour moi.

Tomorrow is a long stretch. I have Doug, Dave and Moria's classes and seeing as they have tooted their horns for me before, I know there will be no surprises. Cheers to that.
I leave this brief glimpse into reality with the video by Tom Petty, I cannot embed it on here but I seriously recommend you check it out.... Oh reality is ... ohhhh time for tea.

Monday, September 1, 2008

See what happens when you give me too much spare time...

It has been too long to escape the obsession, which is called 'Severus' , so here are a couple more fan music videos to past the time away.

This brings smiles all around... well *ahem* in a cheesy sort of way:


This one has a bit more of a message. It falls to the idea that the OotP would give any excuse to have Severus banned into exile. The loneliness ones leads when they walk the line, 'The Man in Black'.