Wednesday, September 3, 2008

No one suspects ... the Spanish Iquisition

"It is always by way of pain one arrives at pleasure."
-Marquis De Sade

Well yesterday evening it was back to that which is familiar. There is no such thing as instant gratification when one attends post-secondary. But I think this semester I will be plesantly happy with the outcome of classes and professors.

Last night, I had to succumb to an English class finally, and who happens it be... well a Madam Hooch look-alike. (Isn't that weird--> insert fake danish accent here) But I like her already. Her learning ideas for a first level class is not so much worrying about grammar and the mechanics of the writing (which are needed), but one must find their voice and learn how to control ideas and in doing so the rest will come later... it echoes that of the art history class I took last semester... ha ha ha Steven, no Nazi prof pour moi.

Tomorrow is a long stretch. I have Doug, Dave and Moria's classes and seeing as they have tooted their horns for me before, I know there will be no surprises. Cheers to that.
I leave this brief glimpse into reality with the video by Tom Petty, I cannot embed it on here but I seriously recommend you check it out.... Oh reality is ... ohhhh time for tea.

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