Monday, October 27, 2008

"I say Way-hay-hay its just an 'Ordinary day' "

I would like to take this opportunity to thank someone who made my day: "AindaMais". It is wonderful that you are making your dreams come true and your e-mail was a refreshing one. I wish everyone who watched/will watch Proust and A.R video and stop to think about why they are not living life to its fullest.

I too have been reaching for the dreams. Currently school is more than enough work in of it self but I suppose I am a sucker for punishment and I accepted a job working for a local anthropologist. The glamourous job consists of carding/organizing artifacts, and research for his book... now I have no time for life's necessatities but it is worth it. All this is justthe tip but I believe in some anonymity when writing on these idiot boxes--> thank you for understanding.

let us all lay in the warmth of Great Big Sea

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