Monday, June 23, 2008

Closet Land

In todays world of fast paced, medication driven, hatred flinging, depressed zombies I find I feel.... NOTHING!!

That is it, my life has me so numb to all the atrocities I see, I know not how to begin to deal with anything. (Mmmm a steaming cup of apathy) What is the point to anything, my life is nothing more then caring for a toodler (who yes, does make life a little more interesting) , so that what? He can grow to hate his life as we all hate our's in one form or another?! Is this the legacy we leave for our future generations: fear and judge those that are different from you, try to mix religion and politics and and damn those who's beliefs system differs from your own. Ignore the sick and the poor, maybe they will go away.

I think I have the answer of what Phoenix and I are going to do tonight.... Invite a few people from the circus, a few H.I.V patients and those of the homeless and we are going to have a good old fashion druidic ceremony unders the stars, heck I'll even invite George W. Bush. We will move back in time to those of the more simplistic nature. Making our own clothes, farming our own food, respecting one another without the need of a feudal system. Oh wait that would make us hippies and we all know how that generation turned out.... yes we all are fucked one way or another and there is no way out of the shit hole.

Oh well ... anyone know the way to Avalon??

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