Saturday, June 21, 2008

My Blessings

* Thank you everyone whom never wished me a happy birthday for without you I wouldn't have remembered what an unspecial day a birthday can be.

* Thank you to my parents for without you I never would have loathed the world as much as I do.

* Thank you to the ignorant, racist, sexist, lazy people who don't give a fuck for its you who makes the world go round.

* Thank you to the bedroom voices amongst us.

* Thank you to the human race who always makes me laugh.

* Thank you to those who never believed in me, take comfort in the fact its your fault I am , who I am today.

* Thank you to deites and their sense of humour, I mean the orgasim face.. only a comedian....

* Thank you to the music of the night. I have always embraced you.

* Teachers and Mentors, I saw what you tried to do for me, and thank you for at least trying, even when I wasn't willing to listen.

* Thank you to writers, for it gives me the ability to loose myself in another place.

* Thank you to every Newfoundlander (Geoff, GBS, Steve) I have had the pleasure of meeting . Truly, the most polite people I know.

* Thanks you to the few who saw me through the "rock n' roll" days and still are with me now.

* Thank you to my son, the only good thing in this world.

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