Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Postal...or Bust

Practically another year has passed and I am heading towards the anniversary of the day I escaped from the womb. The passage of time seems to elude me, into thinking there is some greater purpose, but the ironic thing is: 'Only time will tell.'

Yes, imagine the Dragon has issues, just as the rest of the world. Some I have delt with, and others chose to move to the land of denial ( I hear its great this time of year.)

Where did all the logic go? Did I miss something along the way? Now I am lost somewhere in ellusive timespace where parents scream of 'no notices on the notice board, the green chair is ruining my life and you had a bad relationship/abused because you left the lights and computer on"---> Oh yes these arguements did occur. Alright you can stop laughing now, and tell me how to deal with utter stupidity?!

As much as I would like to think that 'Out of the Ashes' was born as an emmaculate concept.... No, HE WAS!! , Dealing with 'The Shithole of Darkness" surfaces every now and again. All I can say to stupid fucking penis' whom ignore something so beautiful as THAT BEING... Fuck you. hell will not be kind to that lack of soul you currently possess.

Vengence on those who make this world ... yes oh so perfect that it is... start thinking ... DAMN IT !! ---> "15 FUCKING CENTS!!!" (Thanks Dane Cook, you help.. a little)

I am going to be selfish for a second here... here's what I WANT:

- Candlelite Dinner, The Opera...A Proper date if you will!!
- My son to live in utter happiness and tranquility
- Alan Rickman - to read to me every night.
-People to actively follow the declaration of human rights
- Happily Ever After, for everyone, yes even you RUBY... we shall possess it one day!

Selfish I know.

Foamy beckons to me, he will make it all better, DAMN squirrel.

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