Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Happy 50th Neoteny!!

It saddens me to know I can't make it for drinks tonight (classes bahh), but have a drink on me... well that and I am afraid of your third hand smoke ( ha ha ha I think you almost made me pee a little with that one). Just make sure we are all blessed with 50 more. Just promise me you will wear your flamenco shirt , so that I can be there in spirit.

P.S I am shocked there is actually work you are assigning in PoSc230, ha ha I didn't think you had it in you.

For everyone else in this world. I am pretty sure this is the layout so far:
-first year they want to see how much you can memorize
-second year is how well you work on your own/how much can you read quickly
- (once I get there) third and fourth year(s) is/are how much can you write and do research.

so here I am fucking lost in readings. I feel like I am in grad school already.... this is worth it, right? At least these classes are amusing:
-Film220:Indian Film
-Anth240:Archeology (ha ha all you trek fans look up kennewick man.. he was always my favourite anyway)
-SCMS225:Urban Life (I am doing my ethnography on the homeless of Vancouver using the Internet to have their voice heard... think of the zapatistas)
-PoSc230: Comparative Politics (oh and what shall I compare thee to)
These are easy classes and they are key classes in my major and minor but still soooo many words, and from this I should write and epic novel of all these things. I shall keep thee posted.

So, I suppose after complaining about the amount of reading, its still not enough punishment, and thus I am reading 'Between the Bridge and the River'-Craig Ferguson. I am just in its beginnings but so far has made me chuckle, sniffle, and almost shout out in fits of rage. After I finish it I will comment and hopefully convince a few others to take a gander.

Well I have classes starting at 8:30am so night night

and yes up beat something to fall asleep by... "take that Good Charlotte" oh wait *ahem* P.S either way, save a dance for me.

....and I made it to 100 posts (needless info )

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