Thursday, January 15, 2009

Stepping Out Ode Du Shell...Beer anyone?

Okay so what did we learn?... well we learned that I indeed (on rare occasions) get my wishes.Thanks for the dance *take that good charlotte* hee hee...... oh and we learned for some we can be a bad influence or should I say 50th and a day beers(three of them in a short time) before class are a bad influence. Shame on you: cheeky monkey.
We learned how Old Man Syndrome can be a very addictive thing. I should start a religion about OMS. No, really and our deity can/could be Anna Nicole. Oh yeah. beware you sexy 'distinguish' men out there, you shall not be safe from thy inappropriateness.
We learned... oh yes, we learned slowly but surely I am aging faster than my body, and this is the reason why I have few peers. So, I figure by the time I am 40 I should be up with the 65-70 range.
...and last but certainly not least we learned oh how I shouldn't have mocked the flamenco shirt. *Sigh* It's still MIA and I was so cruel to it, sniff sniff, I never got to tell it how dashing and debonair it was. OLE!

Okay so hmmm what shall I end this with ...well this morning... yes, what song (because that is what I do) shall I end this post with. Well its got to be something to end a good day with (ooh hooh I am so counting that as a date--> don't like it, well lets go cry in the bathroom ..I am kidding. Well its last call (all politics aside, and even without a PhD I still won that one), I need a (and I am so counting this as a slow song) a good cuddle the paunchy (not fat... oh you know what I mean) teddy bear song. Good Night everybody.

1 comment:

Ruby said...

you need help....