Saturday, July 12, 2008

I'm Not Jesus... but I have a bigger penis...

Fuck, yes I know... roll your eyes... another snape/alan rickman video. Well hell I am having fun with these, and if you wish to ruin my fun, fine.... I never liked you anyway! (Ha, ha, this is almost like talking to one's self) Anyway you may not fit the cone shape into the square hole like I do... so let me explain....

The song and the video are I think trying to explain a few things:

1. Snape hates James Potter, thus Harry... and so will never forgive for passed transgressions.
2. The 'love' of yester-years
3. and basically, an asshole after my own heart

If you pick up anything else... that is your own fault... and welcome to the fun loving dark side.... I said WELCOME!!!

and so ya know... I do not make money from these, so be caring with the comments, we are but fragile creatures.

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