Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Murphy's Law

I am not complaining, it is just almost on the verge of unfathomable to think that weird shit like stuff occurs.

School this semester has been wonderful but a WTF seems to be in store. The last two semesters I basically drove myself into insanity to spend countless hours over essays of varying ydegrees, and this well I wouldn't say I did them last minute, but definitely did not stress over them and I would say I am hitting a 3.0-3.5 this semester. (here it comes...) WTF??? I would like to think that the more hours one spends on anything the better they would do... me thinks this will come up later when I do a Psych project?!

I am still grateful and (school wise) somewhat as piece, it would seem I have finally found my stride and my purpose, it is a very gratifying feeling.

All I can end this with is, ..... I WOULD BE A WIZARD!!

1 comment:

Ruby said...

Oh muffin, I am sure that you can graduate with all the wizardly honours you wish to. And I agree, Murphy should have been killed long before he observed this "law"...