Saturday, July 12, 2008

I have a thing for the Potions Master....

Okay I have reached rubicon and I felt like this was another weekend for an out of the body experience. You know the kind, the kind where everything seems surreal and numbing even if it is the mundane that only occurs. However on a good note, nothing made me angry, but again nothing made me happy either, I suppose this is what "purgatory" feels like... just is.

I am waiting for the exciting to happen, to sweep me off my feet and explode all around me. (Doesn't that sound like some bad sexual repressed pun *sigh* ) I know that patience is a virtue; however, I am young, so of course I don't have any.

So, here I lay listening to depressing songs of old. Songs that taunt me in things I have already lost and that which I will never have....
Okay, enough longing... now onto some good old ranting.

Who asked for this life, I mean honestly whoever did is seriously fucked in the head.
Everyday people fight in the name of SOMETHING/SOMEONE/A DEITY and for what??? So that you can feel justified that you stood up for a cause, a cause worth killing/hurting/changing people's lives over??!!
I thought we are a civilized people?! I call for a vote to abolish organized religion. Don't get me wrong, I believe that everyone should have the right to worship/believe in whatever deity they so choose. Just get rid of mass groups of people gathering in one area and stating what others should or shouldn't believe.
For me religion is like a car, lately its been poisoning the world with its fumes but in the end all it really is needed for is to get you from point A to point B and depending on your family situation and lifestyle it depends on what one you are going to choose right. So if you believe that the Benz is the best or the Escalade or just a simple civic is your way to go, we are all trying to travel on this crowded super highway to wherever our dream nirvana is, lets not let road rage cause all these crashes people... FUCK, take public transit!!!

Music: My December- Linkin Park

Mood: Numb

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