Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A Movie of EPIC Proportions...

First of all, ha ha ha...that Dane is one silly bitch.

Second... I always knew the Green Lantern was a little fruity...I need some tea...

Okay onto obsessive like topics (aka the eternal epic battle), Ruby I think can account to this: This video must be something worth anything considering I am willing to feel the judgemental wrath of some cosmic deity having so many pics of myself in this thing... I think there is more pics of me in this 5 min clip then there is of what anyone has of me in total of the 12 times 2 years I have spent on this 'filthy meat sack' of a planet. Be grateful, bow down and worship the all mighty DB Dragon... on with the video.... (I love this show)

Please leave comments.. oh and BE KIND (please rewind) I have dainty feelings you know.

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