Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Rules of EnRagement

Life did indeed rock this semester and here is how the coup when down:

-94% (A) in Eng ( I know, WTF? That is what I said)

-82% (B+) in Phil

-94% (A) in Anth ( I think just having the assistant job was cool enough, fuck yah)

-84% (B+) in PoSc... and no I did not do any 'extra credit' things sickos, although if offered Hmmmm.... Ole!

me thinks I lucked out on awesome prof's or due to rapid evolution, I am growing smarter faster. Either way I like it, it keeps me occupied so I don't have to think about being so far in debt... remind me to cut my writs with my diploma when I graduate... see students loans are depressing shit.


- Catching up on some reading and came across some Lewis Black 'Me of Little Faith', even in words the guy screams angry mannerisms, fucking brilliant. Yes, pick it up people, learn to read again, lose yourself in the inbred married cousins that which are humour and religion. "God", I love it. Holiday wishlist peoples: Nothing Sacred, gracias!

cheers to when I actually have some free time to converse with myself and this idiot box.

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