Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Globalization and the "Cultural Supermarket"

Hey 'Old Man',

There is nothing here, tradition... praxis is gone, gone to be replaced by a walmart and a starbucks. What do I feel like being today?... In the now, its a surprise that I FEEL anything. Damn you apathy, damn you ignorance, damn you culture of commercialism. We have lost the ability to be human.

I see you running to your religions, your 'ways of life' to seek that which was/is lost, but the fact is, you are not LIVING it, you are just talking about it. Talk is cheap. Rationality and sacrifice: The Art of Doing.

If there is one thing that does not invoke a sense of fear nor irrational danger is the ability to know what you need, not what you want.Take the plunge and consume less.

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