Wednesday, August 13, 2008

An Evening of Bliss....

The man of black, with his heart of stone.
A life of regret, destined to be alone.
With his skin of alabaster and hair of coal.
His searing eyes , protrude deep within my soul.

I turn to liquid, his gaze felt deep within me.
Mmmmm the feeling, I remember so clearly.
Much to my regret, from him there is no touching.
I MUST find my satisfaction with this evasive mind fucking.

Oh! the ecstasy in my head.
I can almost feel his warmth in my bed.
Sadly, he is nothing more than my imagination.
Alas! I must settle for this current situation.

The climax comes, and I scream, SEVERUS SNAPE!!
Once I gain composure, hoping he decided to wait.
But to my devastation, he disappeared into the corridors of my mind.
However he will be back, for my next quick fix, .... Adieu, until next time.
-Disturbed Blue Dragon 2008

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