Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Here I sit, bored out of my fucking mind. I have studied all I can for this political science exam (which having dave's notes, much isn't needed) and I still have 3 hours until he lets me write it. TICK TOCK CLOCK blah!!

I am such a nerd, I want this blasted lame summer to be over, I am actually looking forward to taken my classes in the fall. These are the kind of classes that boost ones G.P.A... Anthro, Phil and certainly not least another Poli-Sci with Dave, ooohhh boy. But again TICK TOCK CLOCK I am waiting to find out if I am in Psych (waiting for 'Coach' that is to put in the final marks , so I can be registered in the 102 class)

Waiting, waiting, always waiting...

I am thinking (a shock , I know) ... no I know I AM NOT STUPID, and yet I get the feeling, that there are those around me who make themselves feel better by pointing out my mistakes. I would like to believe that if one IS TRULY INTELLIGENT would know that they are not great at everything and would see that EVERYONE has strengths and weaknesses... from that : here let me go first....

Social Sciences like Anth and Poli-Sci are something I truly enjoy and not so much with the Maths and other sciences... I am okay with this, and yet you don't see me pointing out and bragging... ITS CALLED BEING HUMBLE, its a great quality to have. Next, I find it odd if one claims to be a great writer and never shows their work or has other people basically write it for them, and in the end never showing their 'great' grade.... Hmmmm I don't think that makes a great writer. I can at least admit, my grammar is not the greatest and yet ( I can show these) the lowest I received on any term paper is a B+, Hmmm and yet you are better , I see. I am not seeking to belittle, I just want you to understand and not be so apathetic when you hurt those around you. If you still think I am a bitch from writing this, so be it, then I am a bitch, however a bitch who spoke her mind without the intent to hurt those in the process. (*sigh* yes I can see how that is 'bad' thing.)

Maybe we will see this played out more next semester when anth comes around and the competition is there, I am sure ( as we learned in psych), when one does bad, on come the excuses.... ( *insert why one did so bad here*) TICK TOCK CLOCK


"When life hands you lemons, make lemonade.
When life shits on you, make shit flavoured lemonade
and watch someone else drink it.
While trying not puke your face off."

-Dane Cook

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