Thursday, August 14, 2008

What does it mean to be humane?

"An eye for an eye will just end up making the whole world blind" -Mahatma K. Gandhi

I wonder as one sits here reading what I am sure they believe are nothing more than my mundane words can feel this is an okay occurrence on this planet. We are apparently an evolved species, something more than animals. But we are nothing more... Can we not rise above all of this?

I cannot believe there are so many people out there who believe this is an acceptable why to deal with 'crimes' , The way I see it, the death penalty is no more humane than is rape, murder, etc. See how atrocious that sounds?!

'Yes, well he/she deserved it for the crimes they committed', tell me then if you or a loved one was sentenced to death (innocent or not) would you believe that capital punishment is/was the right solution?

The Death penalty may be curing a symptom , but not the disease!!

Speak out and actually stand up for what you believe, apathy is a dangerous thing!!

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